Meet Kate
Meet Kate

Sporting Clays, Skeet, Trap and Bird Hunting Instruction are a Passion for Kate
Kate Ahnstrom, a professional instructor of the Paragon School of Sporting, has assisted countless students with creating consistency in their shooting and putting more birds in their bag. After just one lesson her students are able to identify how and why they hit or miss and make critical adjustments. As an instructor, she is helping to diversify and grow the sport and ensure its future.
With years of training and instructing in other industries, she immediately saw her unlimited potential in the shooting sports. Noticing that there were very few women, youth and people of diverse backgrounds in the sport, she was determined to make a difference and expand the demographic of the clay course.
Noticing that there were very few women, youth and people of diverse backgrounds in the sport, she was determined to make a difference and expand the demographic of the clay course.
Kate is a Florida native but, has resided in Virginia for the majority of her life. Virginia has always held her heart regardless of what other picturesque lands she has traveled. Neel’s Lulana “Lu” is her 9yo black percheron mare standing at 17.2hh and 2100lbs and Vintage Valcour “Val” is a 4yo old son of Lu. These gentle giants are another excellent way for her to enjoy the outdoors, and explore the bucolic countryside.
Kate proudly competes and hunts beside her husband, Mike. Kate and Mike lovingly joke that their marriage will always succeed as Mike is the big game hunter while Kate relishes hunting all things winged and wee. They love traveling and personally organize a phenomenal trip every other year to New Zealand highlighting hunting, fishing, sightseeing, and of course, amazing food and wine!
As of late December 2020, Kate and Mike have started their own kennel, Blue Kai Kennels. Their beloved German shorthair pointer, Glen Allen’s Birdie’s Bad Girl Lacy Blues was the first to the lineup. Lacy is out of Sundance Skyview’s Bad News Birdie and by Friedelsheim’s Blues Brother. Thank you to owner and guide, Henry Horne for sharing such a tremendous pup with Kate and Mike! They loved Henry’s dogs so much the next year they added Glen Allen’s Kamikaze Fireball Kai by Bullet and out of Kimber, both owned by Henry. Now, a full string of GSPs are running for them! Be on the lookout for Lacy Blues, Kai, Gunner, Belle, Olivia and the new English cocker pup – Egon, at your next hunt.